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Staff 1

Name:Shu Mei Huang

Tel     :05-6315693

Work content:

1.Is responsible for the vehicles part design office, the electronic laboratory, sensing and controls the laboratory, micro place in machine, instrument, the machines and tools maintenance the fuel cell laboratory to maintain and to manage, arranges the service and so on….

2.The practice always prospers the storehouse management. Practice material, work and so on equipment Shen Gou, approval, enter in account.

3.Director temporarily turning over the handling business.

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Система Оптимизации Трения AG, органометаллокерамика СОТ AG , нанокатализаторы СОТ AG. Система Оптимизации Трения AG, органометаллокерамика СОТ AG , нанокатализаторы СОТ AG. 2017-11-12 03:49:44 IP: 111.56.XXX.XXX
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http://w.w/ Здраствуйте! Вас интересуют клиентские базы данных для продажи Ваших товаров и услуг? 2017-09-27 00:23:31 IP: 179.125.XXX.XXX
We thought the Thinkbox ad was done by Mother as they usually put all the info. at the end of the ads they post. On this one they put "agency: Mother". Apeilgoos if people have been mislead.
Esther 2016-10-09 22:49:15 IP: 188.143.XXX.XXX
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